Our area is an epicenter for green building. Back in January, the USGBC announced that Maryland has the second highest number of LEED projects in the entire U.S. Approximately 17,659,881 of office space in Maryland is LEED certified, at a Per Capita of 3.43 per gross square footage. Not sure what all of this means? Here is a summary of how a building can meet LEED certifications.
What is the Rating System?
There are four ratings a project can earn. Below are the different levels of LEED ratings businesses can obtain.
Points are awarded on a variety of things, from placement of sewer and water lines to water reduction efforts in restrooms. LEED ratings apply to a variety of projects, from design to neighborhood development. Below are a few ways to get LEED points for your business.
Building Design & Construction
For healthcare and education facilities, there are many factors that come into place that not only count for LEED points, but can also help your students or patients stay allergy-free and ensure your environment is safe for all. Schools and Medical facilities can get points based on the following criteria:
Bicycle Parking/Facilities
Sensitive Land Protection
Access to Public Transportation
Special Parking for Electric Vehicles
Rainwater Management
Light Pollution Reduction
Open Spaces (Greenspace)
Heat Island Reduction
Site Master Plan
Environmental Site Assessment
Interior Design & Construction
Indoor air quality is significant for many new construction projects. Ensuring that the air in your facility is clean to breathe is important. LEED points are awarded based on the following:
Enhanced indoor air quality strategies
Low-emitting materials
Construction indoor air quality management plan
Thermal comfort
Interior lighting
Indoor air quality assessment
Quality views
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